by amber | Jun 27, 2016 | Achieving goals, Coaching, Focus |
Definitions ofΒ Amplify 1. Make something more marked or intense 2. Enlarge upon or add detail 3. In genetics: make multiple copies ofSo often in life, when we set an intention or goal, we start with a lot of enthusiasm and at some point, we experience the...
by amber | Jun 6, 2016 | Achieving goals, Coaching, Focus |
Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation that is full of possibilities. The potential for greatness, fun, joy, success, etc. is huge. And that’s an exciting place to be. You are thinking of all the things that could be and lure of all this possibility keeps...
by amber | Dec 2, 2015 | Achieving goals, Coaching, Focus, Learning |
I’ve been following the IRWCC online world conference (International Recovery to Wellness Coaching) which has brought together thought leaders from around the world to share how they are shifting the way we approach recovery and wellness. Want to take part?...
by amber | Sep 14, 2015 | Achieving goals, Coaching, Focus, Learning |
I was invited to an ONVZ hosted event about how to improve wellbeing, employability and productivity within organisations. ONVZ, a Dutch Health Insurance company are taking a different approach: providing care, not just a cure. Pieter van den Hoogeband spoke about...
by amber | May 21, 2015 | Coaching, Focus, Learning |
One of the principles I use in coaching is Fulfilment. “A fulfilling life is a life of meaning, purpose and satisfaction” Co-Active Coaching (book), Henry Kimsey-House, Karen Kimsey-House, Philips Sandahl & Laura Whitworth And in this post I want to...
by amber | May 12, 2015 | Achieving goals, Focus, Learning |
It’s something we all do, compare. It’s a an analytical tool we are taught in school. Remember those essay questions “Compare and contrast… Gandalf versus Dumbledore”? Β (hmm that’s a question I could spend some time on). We use it...
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