I like to be able to share coaching tips that help you put into practice the ideas and themes I write about in my thought pieces. You know, bring the practical to the theoretical. What’s the point of a great idea if you don’t do anything with it?
Finding Time For Quality Time
So after writing so much about the importance of alone time, a coaching tip about how to spend quality time alone seemed the logical and natural next step.
But, I got stuck.
This is one of those things where I feel like I don’t know what to tell you. Like there is a perfect answer out there (hyper-achiever alert!!!) but that I don’t have it (my perfectionist is sad that I have failed you).
So I started with what I do know (ooh bonus coaching tip! When you don’t know the answer, start with what you do know).
This Is What I Know
- It’s really not that complicated
- For each person it’s going to be different so there is no special formula
- You just need to do it
So how do you actually go and do it?
This Is The Coaching Tip
- Pick a date and time when you will go be alone
- Pick a place where you are going to go*
- Pick how long you want to be alone for
Then just go do it.
‘*I highly advise nature, it’s really good at helping you be alone and feel good while doing it. If you can go into the countryside, woods, beach, mountain, lake, then do it. If getting into “real nature” is tough (and look out for those perfectionist and stickler saboteurs here), then go to the local park, walk along the local river or canal, is there a pond nearby? A hill? you get the picture.
Try it out. It’s not more complicated than that.
The first time you might not do so well. The first time you might love it. Who knows?
But this is just one of those things that you’ve just got to go and do, and not think about it too much.
This post is part of my specialΒ Coaching Tips Series. This series was inspired by my clients and the core themes in their challenges. When we can apply these tips, we bring a lot of ease into our lives and step into our leadership. Let’s connect.