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Why Do We Force Ourselves To Be Lively In January?

Why Do We Force Ourselves To Be Lively In January?

Why do we force ourselves to be lively in January? It’s cold, dark, and wet. At least in the Northern Hemisphere.

Most of the plants are in hibernation, having shed their leaves and such. Dormant.

The wildlife that doesn’t migrate to warmer weather hunkers down until spring.

And people: we have allowed ourselves a few days of festivities and family time. Maybe with some rest squeezed in.

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

You may be able to tell, but I sway between writing for me, and writing for you, dear reader.

As a kid I’ve kept a diary on an off. Looking back, it’s been at moments when I’ve been trying to figure life out.

Season’s Greetings – Trespass At Once

Season’s Greetings – Trespass At Once

As you are paying attention to what is happening in the world, and in politics in each our our homelands, and even in our offices, you’ll see why I’m inspired to share this quote.

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