Leadership 101: Create a Vision

by | Jul 24, 2023 | Leadership | 0 comments

A key part of leadership is knowing where you are going aka having a vision. This applies to teams, as well as for your career path or your life.

You know that you can create high performance when you have a vision, yet this is one thing that I see team leaders up to directors having trouble with: creating a vision.

You know what a vision is but let me share my view of having a vision.

It means you can paint a picture of where the team is going and why, so they are onboard with the mission.

Best Practice for describing your vision

Use simple language. Forget corporate speak and fancy language. Bullet points are great. Short stories work too. Don’t try to cover everything. Talk as if you are talking to real people, not writing a corporate brochure (you know what I mean).

Here’s one from a company I do leadership trainings for (in my words):

“We want there to be more inclusion in tech. There’s a skills shortage in data science. Let’s teach a diverse group of people data science so they can fill the vacancies”.

Notice the short sentences? Short sentences are fantastic for creating clarity.

Something for you do to

Write down what the purpose of your team is in one sentence.

Or explain what you and your team need to do to a 6 year old.

Maybe create this with your team – see what they have to say about what you are all there to accomplish over the long term.

When I’ve facilitated this with some teams and every time it’s worked AND the mission has improved, they’ve had great ideas for strategy and tactics and best of all: everyone is on board. They take ownership.

“What’s a leadership series? How’s it different from the thought series or coaching tips? Good questions.“ This series gives you tips to take your own leadership to the next level, and ways you can extend your own capabilities. Ready to take your skills to the next level, but aren’t sure where to start? Get in touch with me.

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