Making Leadership Simple: Yes, Do This One Thing! (Really!)

by | Aug 17, 2021 | Leadership | 0 comments

While we can learn so much about leadership from studying leaders, we can learn even more from the people they lead.

I want to tell you about this talented, conscientious, determined person I worked with. I was fortunate to coach them through the transition into a new role after burnout.

As part of looking at what kind of team member they wanted to be, we also looked at the relationships they were forming at work. And a critical one for any person is the relationship with their manager.

What they wanted from their manager

To feel safe and at ease. To feel backed up. That the manager believes in me even knowing my weaknesses and limitations. Values my effort and commitment, not just the results (of the day).

This person was committed to performance and delivering. Their focus was to
“drive my energy to things that deliver more value and results for my team, and the organisation”.

They just needed to feel safe to do so. To feel safe to get outside their comfort zone and try new things, in a new way. To be supported while they figured out how to neutralise any weaknesses. To be encouraged to use their unique and powerful strengths.

Don’t we all want that? I know I do.

That’s all that good leadership is about: giving people what they need to be able to do the good work we know they can do.

β€œWhat’s a leadership series? How’s it different to the thought series or coaching tips? Good questions.β€œ This series gives you tips to take your own leadership to the next level, and ways you can extend your own capabilities. Ready to take your skills to the next level, but aren’t sure where to start? Get in touch with me.

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