My philosophy

Free Checklist

With these 9 factors you'll Lead Like A Boss & Succeed at the Next Level without working all the hours. How many have you mastered?


It’s all about connection

When we do business together the foundation is the connection between us: human to human, you and I. We form a relationship where we take the best of both of us and aim that power at your agenda.

We like you, just as you are

This is my firm belief: you do not need to be fixed, you are not a problem to be solved. I believe in you and know that you will achieve your goals. You are an extraordinary individual. As such, you know how to ask for support when you want a helping hand, when you want a partner who is 100% in your corner.

I also believe, in fact I know, that you have more to give to the world. So let’s bring even more of your awesomeness to life.

Fierce Courage

Fear of failure can often hold us back, but I have found that fear of success can be far more intimidating. What if you actually succeed? I face fear everyday and it makes my stomach flip. But being afraid and doing it anyway is worth it. I’ll bring my expertise, a gentle firmness, and a dash of humour. I’ll challenge you to claim what you want, with fierce courage. Are you willing to take the necessary risks for the life that you want? That’s what fierce courage is all about.


Are you ready to make big things happen?

 We live in a world where we are expected to do more in less time. We are all expected to be a leader and have impact. But how do we do this?

 Increase productivity. Read about leadership. Watch Simon Sinek’s Ted Talks. These are the simple answers.  There are a lot of leadership and productivity experts out there. You can easily find lots of information (hello Google!) and you have done that. You have researched, read and studied. You already know a lot.

 If you have all this knowledge, and nothing’s changing, what’s wrong?

 We’ve been schooled to have this assumption:

 Individuals respond to knowledge sufficiently to create the desired change.  i.e. the belief that if someone tells you that smoking is bad for your health, that information is enough to get you to stop smoking.  But we all know that this isn’t true. Information alone is not enough.

You need Purpose, Meaning, Motivation.

 And you need to Take Action. If you only learn one thing, and apply it everyday, you’ll be far ahead of the crowd. Coaching is a highly effective method for both finding your purpose and getting into action.

 So if you want to find out what kind of leader you are, do more in less time, and really have impact, then hiring a coach is a good thing to do.

 Now we’re left with this question: Am I the right coach for you? Take the first step and schedule a free call with me to explore.

 How to Be A Leader – A collection of my views and ideas

 These thoughts are integral to the way I work, and to why I do this work. Everyone is a leader, and there a many ways to lead.

  •  Life doesn’t need to be hard.
  • It’s time for you to play your bigger game.
  • Bringing ease into our challenges, whatever they are, opens the door to fun.
  • Learning isn’t complete until we have put that new knowledge into practice.
  • When you can take something complex and explain it simply, then you have truly grasped it.
  • People are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. And when we view ourselves this way, a world of possibility opens up for us.
  • When we commit to a course of action or a choice, then doubt falls away. Then we can make it happen.
  • We create our own success when we really look at a new idea, try it on, make it ours, and then run with it.
  • When people can quickly form into teams – coming together, being a unit, then disbanding and forming new teams – then you will get the agility your organisation needs thrive in this VUCA world.


My Wish List

There are so many excellent ideas about leadership, change, and about what’s possible for an individual to achieve. I want people to take that knowledge and USE IT!

  • I want to be meet and work with interesting people: the quirky, the quiet, the loud, the witty, all those people who are just gorgeous minds and souls, so creative, funny, adventurous, so full of ideas. (gotta catch them all, pokemon!)
  • I want to shake up organisations, wake them up from their routines that keep them defaulting to “what we always did” whenever life gets scary. I want to see them learn to STAY with their vision, their bold mission, the philosophy that they sold to their employees to buy their dedication and loyalty. So when shit hits the fan, they ground themselves in that vision, they stay on course. They stay in the storm and create their shelter and protection out there, not run back into their caves of quick-fix cost-cutting that always make the people pay. Let’s face it, the quickest and easiest cost savings come from cutting training budgets, from cutting jobs. This management habit is equivalent to leeching as a medical practice in the 19th century.
  • I want to help organisations see themselves as a whole system with renewing parts (Have you read Presence? No? Then you should).

What I believe about you

As someone that I want to work with, I think about you a lot. Because when I work with you, I’m all in.

I will believe in you when you doubt yourself. I’ll challenge you, encourage you, and I’ll even jump with you when you take those bold leaps – you know the ones I mean. When the planning and experimentation have brought you so far, that the only thing left to do is leap.

So if we are going to be going through this awesome adventure together, then I need to know who I’m getting into the adventure with. So I think about you a lot. So here’s some insights into what I think about you.

  • You want an organisation that is flexible, driven, connected. Where you can shape and re-shape without having to start a massive “change project”. You want a culture that grows and adapts with purpose. Not an organisation that is buffeted by the winds and tides, but one that knows where it is going. Where the teams work together, creating from each other to create amazing crazy things of value.
  • You are an individual who wants to have impact. Your work matters. You want to contribute to your world (your team, your family, your hobby, your passion project) and you want to make a difference.
  • You want to figure out what leadership means for you: what is your style? Where do you want to level-up your leadership? What the heck does it mean to be a leader anyway? You don’t want to paint yourself in the colour of a leader stereotype. You want to be you, and you want to get things done.
  • You are ready to be taken seriously.
  • You want to work with people to get things done as a collective/team. And you’re looking for a way to do this. How do you get a group of people aligned around a goal and working together?
  • You lead a team or a you are member of the team. You want your contribution to count. You know that your leadership has a role to play in making a meaningful contribution. You’re trying to figure out how to you show up as a leader in any situation. Because you don’t want to sit in another meeting that is going nowhere.
  • You want to be able to shape the events around you, even when you aren’t in charge. 

These are some of the reasons that I want to work with you.