We Must Rise

We Must Rise

Inspired by the shit show that is world politics right now, I want to talk about two things. What hope really is. I don’t know who wrote this, but I feel it in my soul. How can hope be anything other than strength, the scars of battle, and the determination to...
When Should I Stop This?

When Should I Stop This?

Far too often I see people pushing on with something: a job, project, friendship, long after they should have stopped. I’ve done it myself in the past, and a recent decision to stop has inspired this post (don’t worry, I’m not stopping coaching, love...
Can’t Touch This

Can’t Touch This

When I used to work in my parent’s local grocery shop, so much of what I did was tangible. Slice up the ham to the thickness each customer preferred. Bag up the potatoes into 5lb bags, using those scales with the big metal bowl, like they have at markets. And...