by amber | May 12, 2015 | Achieving goals, Focus, Learning |
It’s something we all do, compare. It’s a an analytical tool we are taught in school. Remember those essay questions “Compare and contrast… Gandalf versus Dumbledore”? Β (hmm that’s a question I could spend some time on). We use it...
by amber | Feb 16, 2015 | Focus, Learning |
What does Jim Carrey have to say about decision making? Well he gave a speech at Maharishi University of Management which is truly inspiring. Listen to it all if you can. It inspired me to write this blog about decision making made easy. One part that caught my...
by amber | Feb 3, 2015 | Achieving goals, Coaching |
Your Self Talk is the key to accessing your power We all talk to ourselves. It’s not (always) schizophrenia. We all have an internal dialogue with ourselves, our Self Talk. We talk to ourselves all day long. We ask ourselves questions: “what shall I have...
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