When Should I Stop This?

When Should I Stop This?

Far too often I see people pushing on with something: a job, project, friendship, long after they should have stopped. I’ve done it myself in the past, and a recent decision to stop has inspired this post (don’t worry, I’m not stopping coaching, love...
Can’t Touch This

Can’t Touch This

When I used to work in my parent’s local grocery shop, so much of what I did was tangible. Slice up the ham to the thickness each customer preferred. Bag up the potatoes into 5lb bags, using those scales with the big metal bowl, like they have at markets. And...
The Path Not Taken

The Path Not Taken

A good friend of mine was invited to speak at a conference in Assisi. Instead of being in a crowded hotel with the rest of the congress, she found herself a lovely, quiet place to stay. She told me there was room for me if I wanted to come along and hang out in a...
Origin Stories

Origin Stories

This people based work was not something I ever imagined I’d do. I picked supply chain because I’m process minded and love solving problems. And, I genuinely believed that if you’re doing a job, you just do it. What’s motivation got to do with...