That Old Imposter Feeling

That Old Imposter Feeling

So I launched my first ever women only group program, and we had the first call on Tuesday. It’s a new format, it’s new content, in fact everything about it is new for me. And after the first call, I had 3 minutes of crapping my pants. Did they hate it? Or...
Aim Higher

Aim Higher

For so long I thought I didn’t like embroidery. I thought I should start with cross stitch, it’s easier. And I never got far. So I thought it wasn’t my thing. Then I gave it another go and I realised that actually I just find it boring AF to follow a pattern and do...
Funny place, LI

Funny place, LI

For all that LI is a “professional” network platform, and all those who keep telling us to keep it about business, the posts and comments that get the most engagement are still the personal ones. Take this post from last week that I commented on. The CEO...
At What Cost?

At What Cost?

Due to new zoning regulations in our neighbourhood it’s now a paid parking area. And due to a silly clause, I can’t get a permit. So We’ve converted our front garden patch into a parking space for my car. Even though it’s quite shaded, and...