Maybe like me, you’ve been combining work and parenting.
Maybe you’ve been super focused on career (me pre-2007)
Whatever the format, you’ve been doing for others for years.
Along the way, you’ve dropped some hobbies. You’re working out less. Seeing friends and family less.
And it was ok, you had other priorities. There’s only so many hours in a day.
But you suddenly find yourself ticking that 40+ box.
Career and job is on track.
Kids are more independent.
So you’ve actually got some free time – if you can stop filling it with more work.
Maybe you realise that you’re actually bored with yourself.
Maybe you’re frustrated that you are still working long hours.
You’re not doing anything just for yourself anymore. All those years of self-sacrifice have got you stuck on that wheel of doing for others.
And what makes you quietly laugh at yourself is that it’s silly: you’ve actually got space to do things for yourself, if you would just take the time.
So this is a nudge, kick up the butt (whatever you prefer). It’s time to break that old habit of taking care of everything else all the time.
It’s time for you to choose joy.
It’s time for you to choose YOU.
I’m on this journey with you, and I’ve got you.
Did you see that post about creating a list of 1000 goals? When I wrote it, I could only think of 57. Today I sat down with a target to add another 100.
No stopping until I got to 100 more.
Here’s what made it do-able.
I did not write a massive to-do list of goals.
I wrote about what I wanted to have. It was an exercise in wanting.
I got to 101 new things.
As I did it, I felt a buzz growing: excitement.
Surprise: turns out what I really want it to crochet some baskets, and fondle soft wool in a wool shop.
Each to their own.
If this is calling to you, take out a pen and paper, or excel, and make your list.
Do this for you.
It’s totally worth it.
This is part of my Thought Piece Series, where I explore topics related to leadership and provide both answers and questions. My intention is to start meaningful conversations that help us move forward. Want to connect? Click here.