Thoughts from Maya Angelou

by | Aug 14, 2019 | Thought Piece Series

This is part of my Thought Piece Series where I explore topics related to leadership and provide both answers and questions. My intention is to start meaningful conversations that help us move forward.

Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions are searched for. Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.

Maya Angelou

What I love about this quote is that it reminds us that we don’t need to be fighting the good fight all the time.

In my work as a coach, people often assume that I’m all about action, action, action. Identify the challenges and opportunities, then do something about them.
And that is a big part of what I do. Absolutely.
Yet even in my coaching, we only spend about 10% of the time on the “problem solving” in the traditional sense: making an action plan.

Once we have identified the topic, the challenge or “thing” that the client wants to work on (and yes I get that technical with my language), we spend the bulk of the time exploring the topic. We find the perspectives, the blocks, the possibles. We identify dissonance. And we build resonance. What really makes you come alive in this topic? What’s the perspective that creates possibilities instead of stickiness? how would your life be different if this topic was “dealt with”?

And only then do we go to the action planning. Because when we are in a state of resonance, the ideas fly. The path forward is obvious (especially the first step). And the action takes care of itself.

And I enjoy the vision of the courageous crusaders that my clients are. Self aware, owning their shit, willing to take risks to create the life that they want. #lovemyjob

And then sometimes, a client will say “I don’t want to confront anything”. (this literally happened this week)

And from the bottom of my soul I say “I hear that sister”.

Because seriously, we all have those times when we don’t want to do the work. We want out. We want a break. We want to withdraw.

And I heartily implore you, do that.

Don’t beat yourself up with what you should be doing. Don’t slog through it. Don’t force yourself.
It rarely ends well.
Instead, take that time out.

It doesn’t make you a slacker. It doesn’t mean that you don’t have what it takes. or that you are a quitter.
It just means that you don’t want to confront everything right now.

“Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions are searched for. Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us”

Listen to Maya Angelou. She’s a smart woman.

And a piece of knowledge from this smart woman: withdrawing from you cares sometimes is good for your soul.
Things will settle, get fired up, something will happen. And whatever happens in that time, you will be better for it.

So do yourself a favour, and the rest of us too, go withdraw for a bit.
Take that day.

We’ll see you on the other side.

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