For certification

If you have come to this page, then you are looking at the next step.
Whether you completed your training awhile ago, or are finishing up with your courses, you want to get that next level of professionalisation: certification.

What an exciting time.

Hey you, I’m glad you’re here.
I loved the process of certification, and I want you to love your journey too.

If you’re thinking:

  • How do I leave my job and become a coach?
  • How do I actually do this coaching thing out in the real world?
  • How do I find clients?
  • How do I get as good as my own certification coach?
  • I want coaching to help me: I have needs, I want transformation. Just for me. Is that allowed?

then you’re in the right place.

I had all these questions too at this stage, and yes, coaching is the path ;0)

Taking it to the next level

Certification is so important

We are working in an industry that is not regulated. Anyone can call themselves a coach, whether they have had any training or not. Coaching is a special service, so different to consulting and training (these have great value too) and it needs to be protected.

Once you have finished your training, you have so many skills AND you are still learning and developing. You want to develop yourself further, continue to grow, and take your coaching to the next level.

Certification contributes to

  • your professional development: enhancing existing skills and gaining new ones
  • making you an even better coach – and making coaching easy and more energising
  • the professionalisation of the industry – what’s with those $7 coaching trainings anyway? such bullshit

So whether you are certifying with CTI or ICF, you’ll need your own coach

Certification Coaching Package

This package is my way to support you in this exciting and sometimes scary journey of developing your skills to the level of a professional coach.

This is a 6 month package including:

  • 2 hours coaching per month
  • Mentoring on coaching, including sharing skills/techniques I use in your sessions
  • Sharing tips for getting clients/setting up your business
  • Supporting you in my network